Our Ref No: BOM/CT/PH/240616/15485331
Dr Aslam Azad
Dear Dr Azad,
This has reference to your travel on flight 9W 4264 from Kolkata to Delhi on June 09, 2016.
On behalf of Jet Airways, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your timely medical assistance aboard our flight. We hold utmost regard for the promptness and expertise with which you handled the medical emergency of your co passenger
Your compassion will no doubt be highly referred not just by the passengers and their family members but all of us.
Words alone could not be enough to appreciate your courtesy. It is only as a gesture of goodwill and a token of appreciation we would be pleased to credit 5,000 JPMiles into your Jet Privilege account.
Thank you once again and we look forward to welcoming you on board Jet Airways in the near future.
Yours Sincerely,
Pradeep Hegde
Guest Relations.
Jet Airways | Kaledonia (HDIL), 4th floor | Andheri – Sahar Road, | Andheri Railway Station | Andheri East | Mumbai 400 069 | India. |

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